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she-they 18
eng-esp latine
TWEET ABOUT Quackity, QSMP, TWICE, wallows, chemistry and biology, roier, I rt a lot of fanart, shows I'm obsessed w at the moment
SUBTWTS Not really one but mostly Quacktwt
DNI basic dni criteria. Under 13. You dont hold your favs accountable. If u interact with obvious baits. Figth ab character discourse. Don't follow me if u Support dream.
BFY I swear and type in all caps. I dont mind pqrt. I wont tag food or body image. I tweet a lot in Spanish. Im okay with die /kys jokes. I can get hateful sometimes so if you want to say away from toxicity dni.
PLEASE Dm me if anything i say or do is wrong.
people i hate EVE